Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Blog Post Assignment Advice assignment

Hello!! My name is Grant Wiggins I am sending you this letter because I am in need of your assistance. I have been given a task that is kinda hard for me to accomplish. The task is for me to help a young man be a man. It's hard for me to accomplish this task because I can't teach someone who doesn't want to learn. Every since the jury called him a hog he has been acting like one. I need your assistance so that I can help him understand the he is a man. I don't have much time.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Blog Assignment 3

Chapter 3 Questions:

1. How does Henri Pichot's insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative ?
- When Henri Pichot said that it redirected the plot narrative by giving the audience another perspective on the situation.

2. Miss Emma keeps saying that Grant "doesn't have to go" to visit Jefferson in prison. The narrator comments, "She was looking at me but not seeing me, and not meaning what she was saying either." What is Grant implying by this and what does he the she means?
- Grant is saying that Miss Emma was looking at him, but wasn't paying mind to him at all, and he thinks that she really wants him to go visit Jefferson in prison.

3. What does the back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolizes to Grant and his aunt? Why does having to enter the back door rankle Grant?
- The back door of Henri's Pichot's plantation house symbolizes a time back then to when they use to work on the plantation, and having to enter it rankles Grant because it's been 10 years since he has entered it.

4. How does Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot's to speak on the sheriff on her behalf?
- Miss Emma begs, and says that she has done a lot for his family, and that she deserves it.

Quotation Questions:

" I didn't raise no hog, and I dont want no hog to go set in that chair. I want a man to go set in that chair, Mr. Henri."
Chapter 3 pg. 20

1. Does the quotation characterize Grant, Jeffereson, or another character? If so, in what way does it characterize?
- Yes, it characterizes Miss Emma it shows how bad she wants Jefferson to die as a man and not a worthless hog and it characterizes her in a caring way.

2. To what contemporary issue does the quotation connect?
- The quotation connects to the issue that Jefferson is going to be put in a electrical chair soon to get executed.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Blog Assignment 2

What is your dream? My dream to be as successful as I can be, and make my family proud of my accomplishments. I don't want to be some regular person with a regular life. I want to be the person who set goals for themselves, and accomplished them. I also want to become an Computer Engineer. Hopefully one day I will be able to create my own computer, and cellular devices. I want to be the first person to graduate college with a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering.
  How will I achieve my dream? I will achieve my dream by putting in all my effort into making these things possible. It shouldn't be too hard for me. I feel as if this could be easy career for me to do on a daily basis. I will stay focused, pay attention in school, and stay out of trouble. Remind myself everyday why I am doing this, and it's to be successful later on down the road. Stay away from negative, and the negative vibes they bring. Surround myself with people who would also want me to be successful.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Blog Assignment 1

Hi! My name is Noel Parrott. I am a honor student who attends B.C Rain High School. I am 17 years old and I love to play video games. I also love to take apart things and rebuild them. One day I would like to become a Computer Engineer. I take pride in the things that I do. I work hard to make my dreams possible. In addition, I would like to talk to about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his "I Have A Dream" speech. I think that his dream has been fulfilled. People dont look at us the way the use to. They do not judge us off of skin color anymore in some situations. They do not treat us like the way they use to treat us.They judge us off our character now and not our skin color.